Treatment Address

7577 Central Park Blvd. Suite 300
Mason, OH 45040
Sensory Learning Program

The Sensory LearningSM Program, an innovative multi-sensory approach to developmental learning that stimulates the vestibular, visual, and auditory systems simultaneously in order to improve sensory function. Improved communication between these systems works to improve integration of the sensory information resulting in a more adaptive response to input. The Sensory Learning Program is delivering promising results to individuals with varying sensory challenges, including those found in individuals with Autism, Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, Acquired Brain Injury and Learning and Developmental Delays.
For over ten years, the Sensory Learning Program has worked to improve speech and language delays, gross and fine motor delays, cognitive and perceptual delays, and social and behavioral concerns. Improved skills resulting from the simultaneous stimulation of the auditory, visual and vestibular systems continues to build upon itself as new skills are often observed months after the Program is completed.
You can find more information and videos on the Sensory Learning website.
Here is a great article on how the Bolles Sensory Learning MethodTM works.
Frequently Asked Questions

Is there research to back up the use of the Sensory Learning Program?
Yes! Refer to Cutting Edge Therapies for Autism 2011-2012 by Tony Lions. This book is available on Amazon or Barnes & Nobel
What are the benefits of the Sensory LearningSM Program?
The overall benefits include improvement in perception, understanding and the ability to learn. We often see specific improvement in processing time, sensitivities, sleep patterns, awareness and attention, speech, memory, expression and social skills.
Who responds to this intervention?
Individuals with dysfunctional sensory integration, sensitivities to light, sound or motion, delays in motor skills, irregular sleep/activity patterns and sensory processing issues typically respond well to the Sensory Learning Program.
What's unique about the Sensory Learning Program?
The Sensory Learning Program unites three modalities working with the visual, auditory and vestibular systems that are normally administered individually---into one seamless and holistic experience.
Can it be too much stimulation at once?
On the contrary, by stimulating the well-developed sensory systems concurrently with the weaker sensory systems, the Sensory Learning Program provides an overall experience that is often gentler and more easily integrated than singularly focused interventions. Because we do not experience life in isolated modalities, the Sensory Learning Program actually provides a more holistic approach to developmental learning than do individual therapies alone.
How long before you see results?
Subtle changes are often seen immediately. Many participants experience significant results during the initial twelve days. Others see changes in cumulative skills unfolding over the following weeks or months.
Are the benefits lasting or must the process be periodically repeated?
Because the benefits gained are lasting, the Sensory Learning Program is typically a one-time intervention.